
Palm Sunday

This day for Christians serves as a commemoration of the day that Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem. This is done usually with a blessing and procession of palms and a lengthy reading of scriptures, with parts taken by the priest, lectors, and congregation. After mass, the blessed palms are often taken home by members of the congregation to serve as sacramentals, some of which are burned the following year and mixed with anointed oil to serve as the ashes during Ash Wednesday.

When is Palm Sunday?

For 2022, Palm Sunday is celebrated on Sunday, April 10, 2022.

Palm Sunday is officially the start of Holy Week and as such, is the Sunday before Easter. Holy Week is where Christians recall the events of the week leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion and his Resurrection on Easter.

What Happened on Palm Sunday?

On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus sent two disciples ahead to the village of Bethpage, about a mile away from the city at the foot of the Mount of Olives. He told them to look for a donkey tied by a house, with its unbroken colt next to it. Jesus instructed the disciples to tell the owners of the animal that “The Lord has need of it.” The men found the donkey, brought it and its colt to Jesus, and placed their cloaks on the colt. Jesus sat on the young donkey and slowly, humbly, made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In his path, people threw their cloaks on the ground and put palm branches on the road before him. Others waved palm branches in the air. Large Passover crowds surrounded Jesus, shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Read about it in Matthew 21:1-11 of the Bible.

Reflect on the events of Palm Sunday at Diamond Heights Lipa

Diamond Heights Lipa is the flagship project of JJS Realty and Development Inc. located in Barangay Latag Lipa City.

Diamond Heights feature Modern-Contemporary houses. Other than this, Diamond Heights is known for its vow to live closer to nature, to breathe fresh air, and be away from urban areas to leap into Mother Nature’s open arms.

Living in a quiet community enjoying Lipa’s cool climate is a perfect place to raise a family!

“Family and community are at the center of everything we do,  we impart that sense of family and community to our homes.”